During this time, I danced in the creations of a huge array of Brazilian and international choreographers including Olga Roriz (Portugal), Gustavo Ramirez (Spain), Roberto Scafati (Italy), Christoph Winkler (Germany) and Katja Wachter (Germany). I Performed in all the creations and repertory of the Company including contemporary pieces and new imaginings of classics, such as Swan Lake, Carmen, Cinderella, and Romeu & Juliet. In 2021, I collaborated as a choreographer for the company, and created a solo called Flow to the music of Suite no 8 BWV 779 by J.S. Bach within the “Café com Bach project”. At this same time, I also created the ballet project “Aulas como Unidade e Cooperação” (Lessons as Unity and Cooperation) through Zoom platform for the Balé Teatro Guaíra, which included improvised performances which I also recorded and edited into a series of videos. Between January 2007 and July 2008 Juliana worked as a ballerina for Ballet de Londrina under the direction of Leonardo Ramos. She has worked at Curitiba Cia de Dança (July 2017 - January 2018) under the direction of Nicole Vanoni.