“Nature…”- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about life, feelings, thoughts, strength, freedom, courage, ways, nature, energy and depth; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life. A deep reflection on the paths of life. Be strong!
Music: Etude No 19 by Philip Glass. 
#vimeo #art #performance #life #shortfilm #dancer #artist #adobecreativecloud #artvideo #artwork #artworld #ways #courage #freedom #newyear #newlife #changes

“Flourish…”- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about perceptions, emotions, life, feelings, thoughts, strength, freedom, courage, ways, nature and depth; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life. A deep reflection on the paths of life. Be strong!
Music: Etude No 20 by Philip Glass. 
#vimeo #art #performance #life #shortfilm #dancer #artist #adobecreativecloud #artvideo #artwork #artworld #ways #courage #freedom #newyear #newlife #changes
“Light; Love and Freedom…”- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about perceptions, emotions, life, feelings, thoughts, strength, freedom, courage, ways and depth; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life. A deep reflection on the paths of life. Be strong!
Music: Etude No 2 by Philip Glass. 
#vimeo #art #performance #life #shortfilm #dancer #artist #adobecreativecloud #artvideo #artwork #artworld #ways #courage #freedom #newyear #newlife #changes
"New Possibilities.."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about energy, intuition, courage, persistence, ways, self confidence and hope. A deep reflection on the paths of life.  
Music: A Distant Closeness by Tommy Guerrero. 
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #light #love #intensity #energy #freedom #ways #style #being #presence
"Aspects..." - Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about change, challenges, strength and hope; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life. Music: Changing Outlook by Trevor Kowalski
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #presence #being #artwork #artistic #soul #expression #share #love
"Journey..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about change, challenges, strength and hope; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life.  
Music: Changing Outlook by Trevor Kowalski 
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #artworld #theater #music #dance #creation #colors #love #life #being #share #personality #presence
"I Can Reach..." - Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about energy, intuition, courage, persistence and hope.  A deep reflection on the paths of life.  
Music: Hide Me by Fabien Tell 
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul
"Being Present..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about intensity, energy, perception, intuition, feelings, time and hope. A deep reflection on the paths of life.  
Music: Sidewalk Soul by Tommy Guerrero. 
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul
"Be Strong..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about energy, courage, challenges and hope. A deep reflection on the paths of life. 
Music: El Camino Negro by Tommy Guerrero
 #shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #love #beauty #wonderfulplace #teather #hope #being #colors #movements #energy #courage #style
"Persistence..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about courage, challenges, strength and hope; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life.
Music: Fast Forward to by Airae
 #shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #art #artwork #theater #space #colors #light #day #life #positivity #dailypractices
"Original..." - Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about energy, intuition, courage, essence and hope.; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life.
Music: Trapped Inside by Fabien Tell .
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #dance #artwork #film #theater #experiences #places #music
Intense..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about intensity, energy, perception, intuition, feelings and hope; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life.
 Music: His Thoughtful Eyes by Fabien Tell 
#shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #artworld #dance #music #movements #life #soul #love #intensity #powerandenergy
"Strength..."- Performance, Improvisation and Film by Juliana Rodrigues. This film is about energy, intuition, feelings and hope; all of which are of vital importance for the intensity of movement, dance and music in life.
Music: Other Sides of Glory by Fabien Tell
 #shortfilm #performance #art #adobe #vimeo #improvisation #freedom #soul #dance #creation #life #positivity #humanbeing #hope #music #theater #artwork
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